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NE USA Regional Training site/ Wolves extreme wrestling academy Login/Join
NCAA Champion
This is for any Nebraska wrestler, HS, JH, and elementary. Must have a USA card or purchase one on site.

Our practices this week will be on Tuesday and Wednesday at 6pm at Oakland Craig Elementary School. In the HS wrestling room.

We always have practice on Sundays at 6pm.

next week practice is as follows:

March 8th 6pm
March 10th 6pm
March 12th 7pm

We are putting together a monthly calender with practice dates and time. We will be doing folkstyle thru the Midwest classic and then switching to freestyle and greco.

Our first freestyle and greco tournament will be Keith Massey/Golden Eagles on April 19th.


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Posts: 2006 | Registered: February 03, 2003Report This Post
NCAA Champion
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Posts: 2006 | Registered: February 03, 2003Report This Post
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I dont see any details on the site, Is NE having a state Freestyle and Greco tournament?
Posts: 234 | Registered: November 15, 2007Report This Post
NCAA Champion
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We don't have the freestyle and greco state tournament details up yet. Just trying to get finished with the folkstyle tournament coming up. Then we will have the info.
Posts: 2006 | Registered: February 03, 2003Report This Post
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