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November 13, 2003, 06:57 PM
Boys Town Invite.
where did Brett Lutmer come from?...and how does everyone have information on him if he hasnt wrestled here before?..I mean, dont judge him good yet or anything...we dont know what hes like
November 13, 2003, 07:51 PM
He used to wrestle in Nebraska for the Fremont club. 4x Huskerland Champion I believe and was a freshman state qualifier up in Minnesota. Not sure what happened to him last year may have been cutting too much weight. He was always way stronger than the kids his age and that was at 60 lbs lighter. I imagine he's a physical freak of nature right now if he weighs around 200.
November 13, 2003, 08:04 PM
<Guest> do u know all this stuff...holy cow....
November 14, 2003, 12:14 PM
green goblin
103 - Nate Novotny/Dan Pedersen (Gross)

Either Nate Novotny (11) or Dan Pedersen (9) from Gross should do well at 103. I don't think it has been decided who has that spot yet. Guessing one takes the 103 spot and the other 112.
November 14, 2003, 01:04 PM
I don't know who Dan Pedersen is, that is why I didn't have him in. I also didn't count on Novotny being 103 again. I will agree if he is at 103 I would make him the favorite. We'll see how things will play out.

I'm your boy!!
November 14, 2003, 02:43 PM
A couple of Iowa kids-Dalton Jensen a freshman from Missouri Valley at 103 has done alot of good things on the national kids circuit. At about 160-171 Scott Hazen of Underwood is ranked 8th in the country by Wrestling USA and finished 2nd in Iowa last year.
November 14, 2003, 05:24 PM
Vegas Kid
Wiens from Beatrice is one at #130 to remember.
November 22, 2003, 07:05 PM
i think that it is funny that you think that svendsen will be pokorny, he has no chance, svendsen is yound and really is not that good at all, pokorny will most definetely beat him
November 22, 2003, 08:13 PM
how would you anyhting about svendsen, he has worked harder than anyone in the offseason and will tear intopovotny
November 23, 2003, 11:03 AM
i have my money on weins at 130. if i am correct weins beat svendson in kearney.
November 23, 2003, 03:37 PM
isnt kearny freestyle though? who knows how the match will turn out in folk
November 23, 2003, 11:04 PM
Moderow From Omaha Central will be in the mix at 215. He was a state qualifier
November 24, 2003, 12:19 PM
C Man
He should be tough at 135
November 24, 2003, 01:01 PM
Is it true he is not wrestling ? Also I have heard Braniff was going 140.
November 24, 2003, 01:07 PM
I don't know if this board is big enough for two Pirates. I have enough problems keeping myself out of trouble. It looks like I might have to change my username.
November 25, 2003, 04:34 PM
C Man
It Is True that Olson is not wrestling hes trying to heal his shoulder so he can play college football and Braniff is going to go 35 that was the last that ive herad
November 26, 2003, 10:54 AM
who ever it was who thought jeremy mclaughlin might be going 152 was wrong, he isnt even wrestling this yr
November 29, 2003, 07:20 PM
i think that the match between svendson and wiens would be a good match to watch even though wiens beat him in greestyle
November 30, 2003, 05:25 AM
I know what you mean it has some strange rules .
December 01, 2003, 09:55 AM
I think when Devon pins Mckim in the first period will be a good match.