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Registered: October 20, 2002
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Just spoke w coach denney. Uno mats go on sale Tuesday he has to bid can't just buy them. I think we should spread the word on different sites that no one should bid on them. This way coach denney can buy the mats that he already raised funds to get. What r your thoughts?
World Champion
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I find it interesting that only a few items out of more than 100 even have a single bid. These guys really know how to run an athletic department, don't they???

I wonder if Judas Christensen has been able to get a good night's sleep the last few months? I would think being the traitor that he is, he'd have a hard time getting a nap in with all that should be weighing on his conscience.

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I talked to him also at the UNO Ironman tournament and he said he wished he had brought some Maryville shirts with him because a lot of peope were asking for them. Mario was wearing his proudly. Thanks coach for being at the tourny and taking the time to talk to everyone who walked up to you.
Registered: March 04, 2006
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That's my boy Rio. He is gonna keep it real everytime. That's how I raised him. That is why he can't understand Christensen and Alberts being so phoney. He will represent Maryville University everytime he ever sets foot on the UNO campus. Remember what he said at the Regents meeting. Another example of keeping it real by him. Or the way he made them call him National Champion at the graduation as he walked past the Chancellor. Keep it real everytime Rio.

I know his words are keeping Christensen and Alberts awake at night.

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I seriously doubt this. I would wager Christensen is torn up about this. I don't harbor the illusion that Alberts feels the same way. He was hired to clean up the mess that Belck (and several others) left, and he's going to tow that line regardless how insane it makes him look.
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In the OWH Article they said that they wanted to donate the football equipment, but it was against NCAA Rules. So what do they do instead? They turn around and gouge people on eBay for it. They could have offered the equipment at a discounted price to local teams. Instead they list it at near what it would cost new. Just another blatant lie, and classless move by Alberts and Christensen.

The right thing would be to just let Coach Denney take any pieces of the program he spent 32 years building. Christensen should have just said Coach Denney we treated you like total garbage, I stabbed you and the wrestling community in the back, take whatever you need to start your new program. Times of adversity reveal character and it has been revealed that Christensen has none of it. I do not know what kind of remorse he feels for his actions, but I do know that he wants this to go away as soon as possible. The problem is for him is that you cannot do the things he has done and treat people the way he has and expect it to go away. The stench of his actions will linger for a very long time

I have included an email he sent me the other day. He said that he is "puzzled" why I keep pursuing this issue. Mr. Chrisensen this is not going away so you better get used to it.

"Mark I understand your disappointment, but I also understand the facts. Your continuation to pursue this issue is puzzling at best. UNO is moving forward and that was determined by the BOR sometime ago.

It has been my practice to respond to e-mail, but I'm notifying you with this e-mail that I will no longer respond to your messages regarding athletics. Perhaps it is time for you to move on."

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Registered: December 04, 2005
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I sent Christensen one email shortly after the termination announcement of the UNO wrestling program. I attempted to appeal to his sense of conscience as it was prior to the regent's vote. He did not respond. "It has been my practice to respond to e-mail..." just appears to be another lie as stated to Blaschko.

The one that needs to "move on" is John Christensen. From what I have heard, there are quite a few Nebraskans that feel the same way.
Registered: March 04, 2006
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Originally posted by BLASCHKO:
In the OWH Article they said that they wanted to donate the football equipment, but it was against NCAA Rules. So what do they do instead? They turn around and gouge people on eBay for it. They could have offered the equipment at a discounted price to local teams. Instead they list it at near what it would cost new. Just another blatant lie, and classless move by Alberts and Christensen.

The right thing would be to just let Coach Denney take any pieces of the program he spent 32 years building. Christensen should have just said Coach Denney we treated you like total garbage, I stabbed you and the wrestling community in the back, take whatever you need to start your new program. Times of adversity reveal character and it has been revealed that Christensen has none of it. I do not know what kind of remorse he feels for his actions, but I do know that he wants this to go away as soon as possible. The problem is for him is that you cannot do the things he has done and treat people the way he has and expect it to go away. The stench of his actions will linger for a very long time

I have included an email he sent me the other day. He said that he is "puzzled" why I keep pursuing this issue. Mr. Chrisensen this is not going away so you better get used to it.

"Mark I understand your disappointment, but I also understand the facts. Your continuation to pursue this issue is puzzling at best. UNO is moving forward and that was determined by the BOR sometime ago.

It has been my practice to respond to e-mail, but I'm notifying you with this e-mail that I will no longer respond to your messages regarding athletics. Perhaps it is time for you to move on."

Don't do it. Keep the heat on. He wants the issue to go away so that it will seem like they were right. This won't go away for years. Wait until the basketball, soccer, golf and wrestling season starts. Wait until The Last Maverick premiers a few blocks from UNO. Just wait Mr Christensen...we will let you know when we are ready to move usual UNO Athletic Administraition playing the bully role...thanks for sharing that email....

"Winners find a way to win and Losers find a way to lose."
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