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Jason Katusin Login/Join
World Champion
Picture of NWI
Location: Wayne, America
Registered: October 20, 2002
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at least, that's what I've heard.

I know for a fact that there are a number of kids who say "thanks but no thanks" to the offer of wrestling in the NSWCA All-Star event each year.

For some, they are just done with the sports. Others have football all-star games they are "obligated" to take part in (because the 8-man all-star games make them choose one or the other). Some have family commitments or other events in their lives that take precedence.

I will also say, though, that there is some favoritism toward kids whose coaches are NSWCA members, and I can see both sides of the issue there as well. Those coaches that support the NSWCA would probably be unhappy if their stud senior wasn't picked and a non-member's was.

You can't win either way with all-star events. There are always those that should be in it that aren't, and the reasons why are always subject to speculations and assumptions by those not associated with the situation.
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And as usual, Jason assumes we want his opinion when we don't. Probably neither of those guys were asked to be in the dual. The Network rules all.
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to NWI.
re: Jake Rucker never really materialized at the college level. Jake underwent four knee opertions in 13 months following the UNO Open his sophomore year. Jake finally gave up college wrestling this year after attempting his third comeback. I realize that it appears that Jake never materialized but feel that he, along with Kasey could have if not for the injury bug. Wrestling is a very physically demanding sport and maybe luck (being injury free in high school) caught up with both of them. Regardless, I am extremely proud of both of them and feel that their misfortunes in college should not diminish their achievements in high school. At least they don't for me.
<Jason Sturek>
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And shall I ASSUME you meant to hurt my feelings with that post?

Man, this is getting pretty old already . . .

How about a compromise . . . If people stop hiding behind their anonymity on this site to post accusations (unfounded or not) and I'll never post my opinion on here again.

NWI will be a fan of the WWF pro-rassling circuit before that ever happens.
World Champion
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I think everybody involved in wrestling in Nebraska is proud of the accomplishments of those four-timers. The point I was trying to make is that it's tough to connect that accomplishment with success at the college level, and I know both Jake and Kasey have had some tough luck with injuries, which is unfortunate.

It doesn't make their HS accomplishments any less impressive, nor does it diminish the kind of young men they are. They are all quality kids, and I think we all know that college wrestling is a completely different animal and as physically demanding as the sport is at the HS level, it's even more so once you get to college.

Regarding Jason's WWF comment...Hell will freeze over, thaw out, and freeze again before I would ever even ENTERTAIN the thought of lowering myself to becoming a fan of such low-rate garbage. Sheesh...I'd even buy a Britney Spears CD...AND listen to it...before I'd become a fan of WRF (Rassling, not Wrestling).

And, Jason, being a journalist you no doubt know what happens when you "assume" - LOL. Remember, being anonymous means never having to say you're sorry...or responsible, for that matter.
Varsity Letterman
Picture of Lance Stallion
Location: Nebraska
Registered: October 21, 2002
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A couple of things to get back up to speed...

*To start with, this string started by discussing Jason Katusin. Having seen him wrestle and having coached against him, it is my opinion that Katusin is one of those wrestlers who will do more when he gets to college than when he is in high school. Granted, he has accomplished a lot in high school, but I think his best years are ahead of him. Just an opinion.

*NWI, as you asked in another post, I am indeed alive and well. And still kicking. Getting used to new things, enjoying them immensely, but still have to pop back on the message board every now and then. Running like a mad-man, yes...but nevertheless, alive and well. I will try my best to help you at any time, Mikey and HB, but the first few weeks I will really be strapped for time.

*My personal feeling is that there are some people who tend to chime in on everything whether or not their opinion is needed. Yes, this is an open message board, but it would help if you were at least knew something about the subject at hand instead of just sounding off on everything under the sun. I can recall that happening a lot last spring.

*I don't believe that Dan Hilario was asked to participate in the 2001 NSWCA dual. Stanton was represented by Zach Molacek, but not by Tim Wurdinger. Probably two of my favorite wrestlers that I have ever coached are Zach and Tim, but I really really would have loved to see Tim wrestle in that dual. Every coach should get the privilege to coach a Tim Wurdinger at least once in their career.

*I have posted several times, anonymously, about the merits of Rushville. I will come out and say it...I think they have the firepower and desire to make it four in a row. And having talked to their coaches and team, and been around the Howells program for years, I think that is one opinion I can make that I can say is a fairly educated one.

Signing off for now...I'll be back, I will offer my opinion when asked, but outside of that I'll just sit back and read as this awesome upcoming season unfolds.
Location: Omaha Ne
Registered: February 19, 2003
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Talk...Talk...Talk...Fact. Who else does the kid have to beat before he can get a little respect.I guess going 12-0 at state is not enough.But I think if you have a kid or you are a kid find out what weight Jason is going at and go that weight.What would be better than giving Jason a loss at a tournament that no one has ever beat him at.All the talk would be about that.I dont care if jason goes 119/125/or130 Id bet on the kid every time.When Jason starts college I dont think he will win a natl.championship his freshman year maybe not his soph.year. But he works as hard as any one out there and knows as many moves as anyone.When he sets a goal I wouldnt want to be the one to try to stop him. But I guess it all comes out in the end.
Varsity Letterman
Picture of Lance Stallion
Location: Nebraska
Registered: October 21, 2002
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I hope I didn't sound like I was talking down about Jason. he is a ifs, ands, or buts. But Brad Vering, I think it's safe to say, accomplished more after high school than during high school, even though he was a three-time state champion. In fact I was supporting Jason, saying that I think he will accomplish even more in college than he did in high school.
Varsity Letterman
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"Someone has to wrestle him in the finals."

[This message was edited by Twdinger on November 13, 2003 at 04:25 PM.]
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The injury bug might be the only thing to hold back Katusin three sholder injurys and two surgerys in three years...
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Obviously Skutt has had one of the most successful programs for the last 6 years.

How many of their studs have wrestled in the "all-star meet"?

I always thought all-star meets were designed to match up the best at each weight. I know a lot of kids turn down the invitation, however I also know a lot of the best kids are not invited for "mysterious" reasons.
World Champion
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I believe it was the week of the All-Star event he was invited to wrestle in a national all-star Greco event that happened to be on the same day as the NSWCA meet.
<In the Know>
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The coaches association wanted RJ and Brad to join before they would invite Meneely. This is a fact.

Why would anyone want to belong to an organization with this mentality?

The "all-star" meet is supposed to be for the kids, isn't it?
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