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Not easy, but officials stand behind Mav move Login/Join
Junior High
Picture of BLASCHKO
Location: Omaha, NE
Registered: December 17, 2002
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Alberts and Christensen state that the Summit league invite was tentative. An invite to a third rate DI Conference was tentative? The Summit League is a revolving door. There have been 19 schools leave the league since its inception in 1982. They have known for a long time that Southern Utah and Centenary were leaving the league. So what does that say about UNO is they were unsure they would be accepted by a third rate revolving door DI Conference? Again this is another lie in a long string of lies by Christensen and Alberts. It all boils down to massive incompetence, and arrogance. A quote from Tom Douple Summit League Commissioner in an earlier OWN article: “Almost since the day Tom Douple took over as the commissioner of the Summit League six years ago, UNO and Omaha have been on his radar”. The commissioner states UNO was on their radar for 6 years! Douple also stated “It never came down to ‘We won't let you in if you don't add sports” They would have bent over backwards to have UNO join their league. Yet Alberts and Christensen make it seem like the deal was on a razors edge. Lies, lies and more lies.

Travis Morgan the Sports Director at Action 3 News said he was in Sioux Falls when SDSU was making their move to DI and that he was in Sioux City when USD was making the move to DI. He said he covered both moves and that it was well know ahead of time that both schools were considering moving to DI. They formed exploration committees; they took over a year to research the move and to get input from the boosters and the public/tax payers. Why was not a similar protocol followed in the UNO move? UNO is a tax payer funded public university. Yet we the tax payer has no right to know about such a profound decision that will significantly affect the operation of the university and it's students? From the OWH “The plan was drawn primarily by Alberts and four administrators on his staff, using as a sounding board a group of Omaha business leaders studying broader UNO campus needs. UNO professor David Corbin said the school's process violated principles of shared governance. And it prevented a discussion of broader implications, such as the loss of opportunities of students studying athletic training to work with the UNO football team. “. So what gives five administrators at a publicly funded university the right to make an autonomous decision on such a move? How asleep at the wheel and or incompetent are the University System Leadership and the Board of Regents if actions like these are accepted? These actions are extremly unethical and in my mind criminal. As a tax payer this is deeply disturbing to me.
Registered: March 04, 2006
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My mother taught me not to lie because as she would of told Trev, "Once you tell one lie you have to tell another lie to keep the first lie going."

Seems like that is what is going on here.

"Winners find a way to win and Losers find a way to lose."
Junior High
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If nothing appears the OWH made an
'attempt' to get off its duff.
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Better late than never...although the part about Alberts saying there was no vendetta will always be B.S.

And once again, nice to see Judas Christensen throwing the sport under the bus. What a pathetic administrator.

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Funny to see Trev duck out of questions about his relationship with Coach Denney and the wrestling program. Those aren't the only issues either. They should ask him about threatening to fire Denney and Higdon for holding their banquet after one of the national title years.

Thing is, he doesn't have any excuse for the one instance listed with the Les Sigman press conference. Craig Sesker said he wouldn't allow Sigman to have his presser there because he was no longer a student at UNO.
Registered: February 13, 2011
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they knew a month before DII's that this was going to happen. A friend's parent was one of the people named as an advisor/consultant in the original OWH article and he knew 30 days before hand. Was so pissed he never told me and I only found out when we talked about last weekend during a turkey hunting trip. Obviously there are some things you can't share. I would have spread the word and the dogs would have been called out much earlier. Not sure it would have mattered and it may have been easy to connect the dots for anyone who wanted to know where the leak was from. Obviously this whole thing was premeditated and timed perfectly to be forced through in order to prevent opposition from really ever having a chance
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