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Registered: March 17, 2008
Posts: 18
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Dear Everybody,

Henry, may he rest in peace, always said it was our civic duty to learn as much as we could about the candidates running for public office. He thought it was particulary important that we saw how a candidate answered the tough questions and didn't waffle back and forth. I have been reading all the things they say in the newspaper and listening to them on the radio. I don't have a television because Henry, may he rest in peace, always said television was the work of the devil. Today I went to the beauty parlor; I don't have my hair dyed but Theresa, she's so nice, told me that if I had my hair colored a little bit it would make it easier to manage. So while that was being done the television was on right in front of me so I couldn't help watching it a little bit. The man on the television was asking questions of a man who is running for an office. He asked the candidate a tough question and Henry, may he rest in peace, would have been so proud of him. The television man asked him, "How do you stand on the liquor issue?" He answer was so good I wrote it down so I could tell everybody about this amazing candidate. He looked right into the camera and boldly said, "I want to be sure I know what you mean by the word 'liquor' when I answer. When you say liquor, if you mean that demon drink that tears families apart, sends little children to bed hungry because the grocery money gets flushed down the sewer in the local tavern, that causes strong men to fall into the gutter and not be able to get up, that destroys health and causes bankruptcies I can say without a doubt that I am 100% against it and when I am elected I will work tirelessly to get it outlawed". "But, on the other hand when you say 'liquor' if you mean the nectar of the gods, the oil of conversation, the spirits that put a spring in an old man's step, that wonderful fluid that makes a delicious meal taste even more delicious, that brings family and friends together, that thins the blood and helps the heart, then I am totally in favor of it and will stand up to anyone who tries to take away this national treasure." "That is my stance, and I will not waver from it."

It was such a great speech and it was heart warming to hear a candidate answer the tough question and take a firm stand. My problem is that he had already been introduced when I got to the beauty parlor so I don't know his name. He looks a lot like that fellow, Max, who works in the hardware store, only not as tall and with straighter teeth. If you saw him speak please tell me his name as I want to vote for him.


Auntie Mame
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