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January 14, 2009, 08:56 AM

MIAMI (AP) -- A day after leading the Florida Gators to a national
championship with a 24-14 win over Oklahoma, junior quarterback Tim
Tebow announced that he would skip his senior season.

Tebow entered the press room to wild applause. ESPN columnist Pat Forde burst into tears when the 2007 Heisman winner entered the room. College Gameday host Chris Fowler threw a pair of boxer shorts on the podium. Tebow smiled at the gesture and several sports reporters fainted.

"Sorry I'm late," Tebow began. "There was an ill six-year-old boy in row 54 and I had to make my way through the crowd to heal

"I want to start by saying that playing quarterback for the University
of Florida, winning two national championships, has been a great
honor. There has been some speculation about my future and I want to
clear that up right now," he continued.

"Don't go, Tim!" a reporter shouted from the back of the room.

"After much consideration, I have decided to skip my senior season at
the University of Florida and ascend directly into Heaven," Tebow
announced. Upon making the announcement, Tebow was bathed in a
blinding white light and vanished.

In response to the news, ESPN announced they will have a month-long
tribute to Tebow. ESPN2 will now be known as ESPN-TEBOW and will
feature Tebow highlights (including home videos of Tebow's childhood),
re-airings of past interviews, Tebow-centric analysis by ESPN air
personalities, a Tebow quiz show and a reality show to find the "most
Tebow-like" person in America.

"He wasn't just the greatest player in college football history," said
Fowler, tears streaming down his face. "He might have been the greatest person to ever walk on

Many a false step was made by standing still.
-Fortune Cookie
January 14, 2009, 11:18 AM
you obviously must be a Tebo hater...that's too bad cause he never asked for any press he got. He is a great player for kids to look up too on and off the field.

If you were a true college football fan, you would see him for what he is....and that's a great competitor. As a wrestling fan, that's what I like most about Tebo....he plays to win...and because of that quality he is a winner and a champion.

Did you see the speech he made after the Gators lost to Ol Miss...if not, you should find it on the internet...he did exactly what he promised to do. If you can't see something great about that....I can't help you.
January 14, 2009, 11:54 AM
I love the kid...just hate that he's doing all that while wearing a Florida Gators uniform.

The thing about it is that, while the story itself is fictitious, it is a very accurate portrayal of what ESPN is becoming. They take stories and beat them into the ground and hyper-analyze even the most minute details about everything. And when they get on a specific individual, they beat you in the ground with that individual until they find someone else to serve as the flavor of the month.

How many Michelle Wie stories did we have to endure while she was coming up in the women's golf world? I don't know about you, but I was all Wie'd out (pun intended) by the time she finally took some time off to heal from a wrist injury and get her game back.

Don't even get me started on what they've done with the likes of O.J., Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, etc., etc. And heaven forbid if a school runs afoul of the NCAA.

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
January 14, 2009, 11:58 AM
I can understand poking a little fun at ESPN for their press coverage of Tebow. But, to make fun of Tebow because he takes his faith seriously? That is sad!
January 14, 2009, 03:27 PM
GO GATORS!!!!!!!

Originally posted by NWI:
I love the kid...just hate that he's doing all that while wearing a Florida Gators uniform.

The thing about it is that, while the story itself is fictitious, it is a very accurate portrayal of what ESPN is becoming. They take stories and beat them into the ground and hyper-analyze even the most minute details about everything. And when they get on a specific individual, they beat you in the ground with that individual until they find someone else to serve as the flavor of the month.

How many Michelle Wie stories did we have to endure while she was coming up in the women's golf world? I don't know about you, but I was all Wie'd out (pun intended) by the time she finally took some time off to heal from a wrist injury and get her game back.

Don't even get me started on what they've done with the likes of O.J., Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, etc., etc. And heaven forbid if a school runs afoul of the NCAA.

January 14, 2009, 07:11 PM
Mustang Wrestler
At first I thought the religion reference was just showing how ESPN has promoted Tebow to Godlike status. However, after the quip about him healing a child I could see how it would be taken as a personal jab and that is sad (if that was the point of the coment). However, I completely agree that ESPN overdramatizes every personal story they do. Makes me nauseous.
January 20, 2009, 12:37 PM
This post reflects nothing about me or my feelings towards Tebow. I do not support any of what was said here. This post was for thought. I received this from an unlikely constituent of mine and thought it good I share with you all. I completely agree with NWI. As he stated, this is a fictitious story, but it is reflective of our national sports media (most notably ESPN).
What Tebow has done while at Florida for that school is remarkable and one that will rank at the top of the great college football stories. I wonder what portrayal would have been made if he would have not won this most recent title game?
Regardless, I hope this is the exact story circulating about the Huskers “to-be QB!”

Many a false step was made by standing still.
-Fortune Cookie