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June 04, 2010, 12:03 AM
B Corkle
Daniel Dominguez
This cause is a passion of mine. I know this is a wrestling forum and not the place to be talking politics but I thought people might find this article interesting.
June 04, 2010, 07:18 AM
Wow, I have always been impressed with Mr. Dominguez and am even more impressed after I have read the story. Yes, this is a huge problem and we too have seen many great kids caught in the middle of this situation. My ancestors traveled to this great country many years ago to make a better life for themselves but more importantly, their children. Because of this great country that is still happening today. How can those interested, join this great cause?
June 04, 2010, 10:11 AM
Mr. Pin
Very nice article and Daniel is sure taking on a worthy and much delayed cause. Good luck to all involved!

Hey Alf didn't your Ancestors come from a different planet instead of a different country? LOL Smile
June 04, 2010, 11:00 AM
Red Rocker
It doesn't matter what word is used to describe it undocumented = illegal.

Anything that puts someone here illegally ahead of someone else who has gone through the current steps to become citizens is wrong. I'm sorry kids get caught in the middle and I'm sure Daniel and plenty of others are good kids, but that doesn't put them or any other illegal in line ahead of those that are doing it the right way.




June 04, 2010, 02:43 PM
B Corkle
Rocker, First off Dan is a good kid and a US citizen, it says so in the article too, by the way. Second, what is the right way? These kids we are fighting for have virtually NO WAY in the current system. Everyone thinks they understand this issue because they've watched the news or something. I encourage you to do more then that. Get out and talk to these kids, they are in communities all around the state. You should speak with attorney's representing both sides of this issue. Its only when you take these steps do you get beyond the spin and misinformation we are dished from both sides.

I can assure you all the things I thought I knew, are flat wrong. This "line" you speak of, it doesn't exist. These kids are caught up in circumstances they had no control over. This isn't about amnesty this is giving kids a chance to achieve the American Dream.

We have a problem in this country and people's lives and futures hang in the balance. Our inaction comes at great cost to society. I appreciate the concerns many have when it comes to the idea of citizenship, but statements like "undocumented = illegal" move us no closer to a solution. Those that stand rigid in their views on both sides of this issue do so in direct conflict with the principles that made this nation great.

We really need to move beyond this standoff and work toward solutions.

Your main man Sammy Hagar is part Irish and his ancestors were persecuted in much the same way we see today around this issue of immigration. History is a great teacher, it would be wise for all of us to study it and learn from it.
June 04, 2010, 10:07 PM
Red Rocker
Did not mean for it to sound like I thought Daniel was here illegally. I read the story and understand he is a citizen.

That being said.

This is not about Sammy Hagar his ancestors or any other individual. It is about people breaking the laws of the United States. Laws that in my opinion are there for good reason and do not need to be changed.

If anyone is here illegally, they need to go back to their own country. There are legal ways to enter this country as an alien and they need to be followed. Once that happens, then we can talk about becoming a citizen, resident alien etc. But not until they come here legally.

If they do not have the documentation to be in the United States regardless of circumstance, they are breaking our laws correct? That makes them illegal therefore undocumented = illegal. Plain and simple. If any of these people want to come here for the opportunities that exist, I welcome them with open arms, if they come here by the law. If they do not come here according to the law, they are criminals, period end of sentence.



June 05, 2010, 09:37 AM
B Corkle
I appreciate your comments. Truth is there needs to be more dialogue. The problem I have with your argument is that it is pretty hard to condemn a child for the actions you describe.

Our government allowed these people to enter the way that they did. They turned a blind eye as they lived and worked in this country. There children who accompanied them grew up in our schools, learning the ways of our country. I'll tell you this, not all laws are just laws and it is our right and duty to fight injustice even if it is law.

I'd love to live in a black and white world, it sure would make things easier, the reality is we don't. Apparently, we will just have to agree to disagree on this one. But I'll leave you with this...History repeats itself and history tells me that it will take time, but these kids will overcome and get the good change they seek.
June 05, 2010, 06:19 PM
Red Sox
Good job to both Daniel and Bryan. Standing up for what you believe in is a noble thing to do. Good luck in your endeavors!

Chad Mattox
June 07, 2010, 07:53 PM
I agree 100% Rocker. The law is the law. When we start ignoring the law because we don't think it's just, that leads to...lawlessness.
June 15, 2010, 04:57 PM
B Corkle
Segregation was once law, it was also law at one time that a woman was not allowed to vote. I could go on and on... Applying the logic you guys set forth, things should still be that way.

I have great respect for the law. I also think we have a higher calling to do the right thing. The current law is unjust and it is our right and obligation to do what we can to change it.

The reality is we have a problem in this country. A complex problem that requires a creative solution. The more entrenched we are in our views the longer its going to take to get to a solution.
June 15, 2010, 09:10 PM
Red Rocker
Rosa Parks and Susan B. Anthony did not go directly against our National Soverignty.

So Coach, would you agree that these people, regardless of how they ended up here have broken the law?

I agree that if we think a law is unjust it is our right and obligation to do what we can to change it. In my opinion though, that does not include making any exceptions for people who have puposely and knowingly broken the law. If we do, where does it end? Murderers, kidnappers, traffic law violators, jaywalkers? At what point do we say it is OK to break our laws then turn around and reward them with citizenship.

In my opinion, if you have broken the law, any law, you get no reprieve from the law and its consequences. Nor do you have a say in the changing of any law.



June 15, 2010, 11:32 PM
B Corkle
I would agree that those who enter our country illegally have broken the law. Here is the problem...

Some of these "law breakers" did so at the age of 3 or 4 or 10 or 12. Our current system punishes children for the supposed transgressions of their parents. If a family of 4 gets pulled over with drugs in the car do we charge the 3 and 4 year old in the back seat with possession?

These kids have grown up in our schools. They are culturally American. In many cases they know very little about their country of origin, they may not even speak the language. Deportation for these kids could essentially be a death sentence.

You can't deal with undocumented citizens in a "one size fits all" manner. The statements you and HB make offer us little more then that.

These kids want nothing more then to contribute to society in a positive way. The DREAM Act we fight for does not hand out citizenship. Its not amnesty; this bill targets specifically individuals who came here as children and would only offer citizenship to those who choose to graduate from college or serve our country in the military and do so while accruing no criminal record. This is not a hand out, it is part of the solution that epitomizes the values of this country.

The DREAM Act could stand alone or be offered up as a part of broader immigration reform. If you want to build a fence, build a fence; I won't stand in the way, but a fence does nothing to correct decades of our government turning a blind eye to the issue of immigration.

On a side note, there are a lot of hateful people in the world. Since I've started advocating for the DREAM Act, I've received some pretty despicable feedback. I've also come across a great number of people who don't even care to listen. Its good not to encounter this here, thanks again for engaging in the debate Rocker.
July 08, 2010, 08:11 PM
How about this?

Close the and secure the borders and then we'll have a national debate about this PROBLEM. Unfortunately, the miserable failure called our government has politicized this issue to the point where they have trampled on our Constitution and ignored our national security.

What's even more amazing are the liberal goons who put all their trust and faith in these same robber barons in Washington that have completely failed with nearly every aspect of governance.

Me? I'll load up with guns and gold and protect myself since the Federal government refuses to perform their basic Constitutional duties.
July 09, 2010, 12:36 PM
B Corkle
I'm very glad to hear that you will be well protected and well funded in your bunker HB box

We need Comprehensive Immigration Reform. A package deal that addresses the concerns on both sides of this debate. This notion of "securing" the border before we do anything is ridicules. These kids can't wait any longer. The irony here is that the entrenched view you are taking (secure the border, then we'll talk) is at the core of the inaction we see by our lawmakers in Washington. Both of the "PROBLEMS" you and I see should have been addressed long ago.

Here is the sad truth as I see it. We are way to partisan as a country, we are to quick to label individuals as "liberal" or "conservative" and too quick to judge them based on these labels. Nobody wants to concede anything and move forward and heaven forbid we actually form our own opinion by listening to both sides in a debate. Instead many of us (or at least the small percentage of us that appear to care at all) look for the political pundit who is the most outrageous and divisive and let him or her tell us how to think.

We have some real problems in this country, I fully agree with you. Our spending is out of control among other things, but put the guns down HB and come out of the bunker. Our country has survived far worse then this and they did it through hard work and open and honest communication.

God Bless your message board HB its a great place to have these debates and may God Bless the United State of America!