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Super Champs

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April 13, 2005, 12:40 AM
Super Champs
I was just wandering if they still do the Super Champs tournament in Kearney the week after Huskerland? Unfortunately, my brother my ate his way out of competition for Huskerland and had no one to wrestle. We would like to get him one more quality tourny in for him to end is little kids career. If anyone knows how to get info for this, if it is still around, let me know. Either post here or shoot me an E-mail at Also, if possible, could you tell me if there will there be any 7th and 8th graders there about 256 pounds? Hate to make the trip for nothing.

Ever hear of the coach that couldn't coach his wrestler out of a wet paper bag; I was coaching the wet paper bag.
April 13, 2005, 12:54 PM
TW, check in Fremont, if memory serves that is where the tourney took place in the past.

April 13, 2005, 05:36 PM
Ya, duh...I meant Fremont, I was pretty tired last night when I wrote that.

Ever hear of the coach that couldn't coach his wrestler out of a wet paper bag; I was coaching the wet paper bag.