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Tom Becka Show Login/Join
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Registered: January 06, 2008
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Anybody listen to the Becka show today? Alberts phoned in and Becka didn't hesitate to challenge him on a number of points, especially when it came to the deleted emails. Becka said that it didn't make sense to him. Becka stated that he understands deleting emails, but certainly not important ones. Sounds like Becka is starting to wake up a little to this whole mess and is starting to ask more questions.
Junior High
Picture of BLASCHKO
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Alberts started stammering quite a bit when he was asked about the emails. He said he was not aware of the law about not deleting pertenant emails. I guess there is a lot he not aware of. I like it when Becka asked why he did not go to boosters and donors about football and wrestling. He said there just was no interest in the two sports and that attandance had not changed for football since 1990. He failed to mention that there is even less support for basktball as they averged 500 people per game this year. I guess that justifies a 114% raise in their budget.

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Tom Shatel emailed me and said he is writing a column tomorrow on this UNO fiasco. I'm sure he's going to try to convince us what a super guy Trev is.

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No interest in the two sports-what a load of BS. I can't wait to see those huge crowds that show up for the newly created golf and soccer teams.
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Missed his show this afternoon, but Shatel's answers were not surprising. The OWH doesn't want to admit they got schooled by ESPN on this, and the UNO administration is looking more shady by the minute.

If you vote for a current Board of Regents member in either of the next two elections, shame on you. They signed off on all of this and unanimously approved it without a single relevant question asked of Trev and Judas Christensen.

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
Junior Varsity
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I don't know what to think about Shatel's column. The numbers everybody keeps quoting seem to be very fluid and can be twisted any which way. What it seems like he does admit is that there is a serious lack of transparency and clarity. The quote from Blais was interesting, strange that Trev and John have never mentioned a $3-4 million earning potential for hockey......
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It's always like that. Two people can look at the numbers and make them say two completely different things. You just have to get to the heart of the matter.

I sent a scathing email to Shatel and he said that if his article this mornign didn't do it for me, he couldn't help me. We will see.

I did also enjoy Becka's show last night. Trev seemed pretty well prepared, until asked about the emails and his lack of seeking support.
Junior Varsity
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I wonder why Shatel never mentioned the Gestapo gag order on coach Behrns? Guess that type of strong-arm coercion is fine in his eyes.
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Everybody seems to get confused when Trev gives his financial justifications and arguments. Even Becka admitted he wasn't sure he understood what Alberts had just told him.
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Well, that's where ALL conspiracy thinking comes from. We just aren't smart enough to understand, so there must be a conspiracy!!
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I only caught the end of this Becka/Alberts interview, but Osama Bin Alberts last statement went something like this:

"The mistake I made that I own is that I
should have hopped in my car and driven
DOWN to Kearney to talk to Coach Denney
person...I own that mistake..."

Why is Kearney "DOWN"? Couldn't Alberts have said "drove to Kearney" or "went to Kearney" or even "over to Kearney"?

It is simple. Because Alberts looks DOWN on wrestling, DOWN on Division II, and DOWN anything that he thinks is beneath him. And he is willing to trample on anyone and anything that doesn't fit his warped view.

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The missing emails are being looked into by some people in high places right now. I think we'll know more soon.
Junior High
Picture of BLASCHKO
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Thing about email is that they are never really erased.
Junior High
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I do not think this is even close to his biggest mistake made. It showed is lack of class and his cowardly nature, but things like alientating his core fan base and key donors is much bigger. Betting the finaincal future of UNO on basketball is much bigger.
Originally posted by arm drag:
I only caught the end of this Becka/Alberts interview, but Osama Bin Alberts last statement went something like this:

"The mistake I made that I own is that I
should have hopped in my car and driven
DOWN to Kearney to talk to Coach Denney
person...I own that mistake..."

Why is Kearney "DOWN"? Couldn't Alberts have said "drove to Kearney" or "went to Kearney" or even "over to Kearney"?

It is simple. Because Alberts looks DOWN on wrestling, DOWN on Division II, and DOWN anything that he thinks is beneath him. And he is willing to trample on anyone and anything that doesn't fit his warped view.
Registered: March 04, 2006
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Originally posted by arm drag:
I only caught the end of this Becka/Alberts interview, but Osama Bin Alberts last statement went something like this:

"The mistake I made that I own is that I
should have hopped in my car and driven
DOWN to Kearney to talk to Coach Denney
person...I own that mistake..."

Why is Kearney "DOWN"? Couldn't Alberts have said "drove to Kearney" or "went to Kearney" or even "over to Kearney"?

It is simple. Because Alberts looks DOWN on wrestling, DOWN on Division II, and DOWN anything that he thinks is beneath him. And he is willing to trample on anyone and anything that doesn't fit his warped view.
He said the same thing to me and I remember wondering; you should of been there everyday because we were defending national champs, ranked number one and competiting for a national title.

It seems so simple yet Trev was NEVER gonna say anything to Coach Denney or the team. That was just lip service trying to act like he had a sympathetic heart after the fact. He should realize that b.s. smells too.

"Winners find a way to win and Losers find a way to lose."
Junior Varsity
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HB, any news on the missing emails?
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You mean the World-Herald hasn't uncovered any information yet???


"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
Junior High
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They were too busy uncovering the new kansas story about Coach Gill saying his schedule was already tough enuff and wouldn't try to play NU after they left the conference.
Junior High
Picture of BLASCHKO
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According to Tom they are doing a "masterful job" of covering the story. I also love the comment "I think they did a great job of keeping it very quiet and in a very tight circle". I guess he feels that is the way it should go down in our public institutions. No transparecy and no inclusion. Sounds more like a dictatorship.

tom shatel: I didn't see it. But I went online and read the story. I just talked with Henry Cordes, who has done a masterful job covering the UNO story for us. Here's a few thoughts we both had:

Tom it seems that the National Media has taken more of an interest in UNO dropping wrestling and football than the World Hearld did. My question to you is why was there more discussion about the move if they were planning this for a year. Van Deeb was on the athletic advisory board and knows nothing of the decision? That is the strangest thing about this entire deal.
Monday May 9, 2011 12:37 Jarod Owens

12:40 tom shatel: Did you just move to Omaha? How is the "national media'' showing more interest? Did you miss our weeks of stories? All the digging Henry did, and yes, he got the same access the ESPN person did. What was in that story was not fully explained. I mentioned that earlier in my chat. UNO made the decision to do this in December. I think they did a great job of keeping it very quiet and in a very tight circle. We hear things. Obviously, the two coaches in question here were caught flat-footed as well. Why didn't they know? They work around Trev and the chancellor's office and are closer to it than we are.
Junior High
Registered: March 29, 2005
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yeah I noticed taht too blashko

the 'Weeks of stories'....but nothing was uncovered...just the lip service from the talking heads.

Also, the coaches didn't know, not because it was a great decision to keep it quiet, but because if they had known, people would have been able to uncover the BS and do something about it. They didn't want that so they kept it quiet.

Which again, is all they have to do to save their _ _ _.
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