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Registered: April 05, 2006
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I thought the NSAA did a poor job of keeping the team scores updated on the screen over head. I thought that this had been done better in past years, but not this year. Not just on Saturday either, all tournament should have been better.
Junior High
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I'll second that. I understand its a tough job, but its a once a year job as well. Hopefully its better next year.

Chad Mattox
Registered: February 17, 2010
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At the end of the tourney when the final standings came out, we realized that we didnt finish where we thought we would. When we went to get an explanation we were told the scores on the wall and on the big screen are "unofficial." They showed the same scores all day on the big screen, you mean to tell me that no one could correct the mistakes? They had the official scores in the back, how hard is it to update the scores on the board? It seemed like someone was at least trying to update them during the finals, but obviously they didnt do a very good job.
Registered: March 07, 2009
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very poor job. BURKE had 100 pts or so going into the finals and were ahead of prep. prep had like i belive 96. with hobbs winning without a pin we did the math and it would be a tie at 100. After the meet was over Burke suddenly lost like 6 or 7 pts i believe. And prep boosted to 100. When we went to find an explanation a woman was stubborn and couldn't seem to find the team scores before the finals so she guessed and said that the board had been wrong all day.
Registered: November 05, 2007
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They had the scores wrong three times from the 171 match to the 215 match in class C.

I would think they would make sure it is correct before posting it, especially when the top two teams were that close.
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I know at one point midway through the finals, it noted that Plainview had FOUR finalists remaining. I recall seeing that during the medal presentation after 140, and my math told me Plainview was down to two by that point.

I was actually surprised at the end when I heard Madison and Mitchell tied in Class C. The last time I had looked at the scoreboard, it looked as if Mitchell had an insurmountable lead.

Another thing was the extra-loud music being played prior to the finals. I'm as big a fist-pumping, head-banging rocker as the next guy, but when it's so loud I have to shout into my microphone to be heard over the music, something just ain't quite right. They didn't have to switch to Michael Buble, but they could have at least knocked the volume level down a notch or two.

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
Registered: February 13, 2010
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Agreed on the music Rocker, I had to run down the hallway and practically hide in the restroom to try and get Coach Trampe on the line before finals for an interview

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agreed, glad I'm not the only one to be disappointed in the lack of use the big screens got. Does that make any sense? btw, music must be louder up top! Smile

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I actually got one of the Qwest folks to radio the yahoo in the sound booth to turn it down a notch or two. You should hear the audio of a couple of reports I filed while Guns N Roses was playing at 11 on a 10 scale.

I guess the fact that I'm complaining about guitar rock being too loud means I'm too old...LOL.

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
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I was also confused by the attempt at keeping up with team scores. I think this was an important point in the close races we had in a couple classes.

It also seems like it takes forever to catch the class scores you're looking for. You either miss part of the match you're watching or you watch the match, miss the team scores and have to wait for your class to come around again. It also seems scores were wrong most of the time anyway during the finals.

Once again, the pre-technology method used at Devaney seemed to be better. Remember they had the top 5 teams taped to the wall, and you could look up any time to see each class's leaders. During the finals they updated it after every match.

I also remember how big a deal it was to get your school name on the wall for the first time. I will never forget Guy Mytty complimenting me when I was a young coach for our school making the wall for the first time. Made my day.

I know, I sound like a cranky old fart, I guess I am.

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Originally posted by NWI:
I actually got one of the Qwest folks to radio the yahoo in the sound booth to turn it down a notch or two. You should hear the audio of a couple of reports I filed while Guns N Roses was playing at 11 on a 10 scale.

I guess the fact that I'm complaining about guitar rock being too loud means I'm too old...LOL.

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, I never thought this day would come but I'm sincerely sorry that it has.

First things first, its "Nine on a Ten Scale"


Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin



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You know...if I didn't have reports to file, I'd have been doin' the devil's horns and playing my air guitar while standing on the countertop.

Next year I'm just going to have to leave all the photography to Lee and hurry to get all my reports done before the concert starts.

Or bring earplugs...LOL.

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
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