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Junior High
Registered: February 04, 2003
Posts: 512
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To all of you out there, especially you parents (not just of wrestlers) out there...

Since I have a HS Junior in my house, I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that a majority of you range in age from late 30's to mid-to-late 40's, so, we all should be on the same plane here...

Since I've been on here (mainly for comic relief) I have seen rants, raves, bi***es, gripes, spitting (for lack of a better term) contests, accusations about who does what to whom, hypocrisies, and the list goes on. Most of the aforementioned items revolve around O. Skutt and the officials.

The State tournament, while well run, was one of the worst displays of sportsmanship, mainly by the fans, I've seen in a long time. I've only seen worse at hockey games.

Our children are extensions of us. What they learn, we teach them.

They learn to pass the blame and not take responsibility for their actions when they are wrong.
They learn that litigation is the way to get what they want, even if it's the wrong thing to do.
They learn to "do unto others before they do unto you" to gain the upper hand.
They learn to question authority, especially when they are wrong.
They believe that the customer is always right, even when he/she isn't.
We preach sportsmanship when we ourselves are poor sports. The one thing I hate worse than a sore loser... Is a sore winner...

Again the list goes on.

I realize that times, yes, have changed. Moral values have changed. I also understand that not all kids are problem children. I know several kids labeled as "punks" in here who are not as you describe. Maybe it DOES take one to know one.

I haven't changed.

It wasn't that long ago that we were the age of our children and we wouldn't dream of pulling HALF the crap we are letting our children get away with.

If we (collectively) want to fix the problems we see in our children, we, as parents need to remember the values our parents and granparents taught us, take responsibility for our own shortcomings, and start setting the example for them.

Want Skutt, Gross, Creighton Prep, Millard South and the host of others to go away? Quit griping and get to work. The more you bash them, the stronger they will become. If you leave them alone long enough, eventually the well will run dry.

Want better officiating? Quit griping and get to work. I don't know how many times the "ref bashers" have been called onto the carpet, but none of them have the "testicular magnitude" to be put in our position.

Time to put up or shut up, gang.
<a coaches wife>
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I'm not saying I disagree with you. I do agree that some parents let their kids get away with murder. I also agree that children learn habits from what they see. However I believe that we started seeing society begining to decline with morality when disciplining children in public became a no-no. I realize that this could get way off topic however this is something I believe society started doing to themselves 10 years ago. I can't tell you the number of times I hear frustration from parents when a teacher does something to discipline a child in school.

I think this problem is a bigger one than you describe. I think there are multiple factors that lead to the problems you describe. Ultimately though I think you hit upon a CRITICAL point to beginning to turn society around.


I challenge you to try and staff a concession stand that is run by parents for a kids activities for am entire sports season. See how many times you end up working it and how many other parents turn you down saying "Thats not my job." (BTW_ the times parents were suppose to work didn't conflict with seeing their child participate.) I don't see this problem getting better either- I see it getting worse. I wish I could say this is just a wrestling problem... however if I said that I would be lieing! Thankfully there are handfuls of people in every community across the state who man up and do their part and then some. Remember- If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem... no matter which side of the fence you are standing.
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Confused I agree with both of you. It isn't easy to try and teach young people right from wrong when the parents and society has no problem with some of the things we allow in todays' world. Why is it that tv shows the bad things that atheletes do vs. the good things they do... and what about these coaches and officials that give up their weekends to be there for the young atheletes that want to compete, they do it because they want to help our young people become better adults....these people that complain about someones' call or the way they coach. These complainers need to go get the papers or take time to help in a constructive way instead of being an afterward know it all...Go as a supportive fan instead of a cry baby...if you do your best thats all anyone can ask for from someone..
Picture of ibwrestling
Location: right behind you
Registered: February 22, 2004
Posts: 41
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I read this in our school bulletin, and thought it was appropriate.
Question #1- When was the last time I watched television?
a) last night b)last week c)last month

Question #2- When was the last time I saw a movie?
a) last night, b) last week, c) last month

Question #3-When was the last time I watched a sporting event?
a)last night, b)last week, c)last month

Question #4-( this deteremines whether you pass or fail!!)
When was the last time I visited my childs classroom at school?
a) yesterday b) last week, c) last month, d) none of these.
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