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Location: Good Ole USA
Registered: October 24, 2002
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Hit it out a little while ago. Now tied with Hammerin' Hank.

At least it's closer to being over and done with so we don't have to hear about it every time the TV or radio is on....



World Champion
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Location: Wayne, America
Registered: October 20, 2002
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Aaron set the standard with a steady, consistent approach that worked for him for the better part of a quarter century. He never hit more than 48 (I believe) in a season, but had the best wrists in the game.

Barry tied the standard through the use of drugs. His numbers did not tail off in his later years, as is the case for 99.99 percent of athletes in ANY sport...they got BETTER. And it was not for any reason other than steroids, steroids and steroids. And when the day comes where he is proven to have used them, his numbers should be wiped from the record books.

And, yes, so should Mark McGwire's IF he is also proven to have been on the juice when he beat Roger Maris' marks.

Major league baseball lost me after the strike of '94. The fact that Butthead Selig is STILL the commissioner and that nonsense such as that being perpetuated by Bonds and others has, in my mind, put the big leagues on a level about a half-step above pro rasslin.

And if you haven't figured out what I think about pro rasslin by NOW...well, you really shouldn't operate any sharp objects without adult supervision.

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray

Location: Good Ole USA
Registered: October 24, 2002
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Make it 756*



Junior High
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Registered: October 06, 2003
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Good. Glad that is over with; wish he hit it about 2 weeks ago. Have had about zero interest in the chase; just wanted it done with.

The major leagues lost me the year they didn't have a WS due to strike.

Although I will admit to some interest in Joba Chamberlain's rise to the major leagues. Too bad he had to go to the hated Yankees. Smile
Registered: October 19, 2002
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All I can say is I am glad Bonds beat the record with or without the allegations of him using or not using steroids. If Bonds is ever found guilty of using steroids I will take my comments back about him, but if you ever watch his swing, his eyes watching the ball all the way down to his bat, and hitting the ball with the big part of the bat, you will understand why he hits home runs and sometimes hits them as hard or as far as he does, or how anyone hits them for that matter. His swing is very pretty a long with many other big name hitters in baseball. If Barry is on roids, do the roids help his eyesight and help his swing in any way? You may say power, but you do not necessarily need that much power if you can swing the bat correctly and hit the ball with the big part of the bat! If he is on roids shame on him and they should take his record away, but they should still leave the numbers because it is incredible what he did with or without steroids. Bonds may be old, but look at Glavine or Clemens, they are not that young anymore either, and they are still very good players, and I am not sure about Clemens but am sure he is close, but I think Glavine is in his 40s as well. I hope Bonds plays for a few more years and keeps racking in those home runs because he can. On the other hand, another big baseball name that of A-rod, is on his way of breaking the potential new home run record of whatever Barry decides to leave it at. I believe Arod is only 32 and he is on his way to beating it, hopefully. What will people say then? Bonds has done a big thing in baseball and should get the props he deserves.
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