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Junior High
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Registered: September 30, 2004
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It would be appropriate to not get into calling a group of people names. I would believe that we are all adults and can be civil. Imagine that, a political conversation gets to name calling. I knew it was too good to be true to talk politics with adults and keep it civil. Also, if I swear or someone else does, they get called out in public by one of the moderators. But I guess HB does to make his political points. I'm out now. For real this time.

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Chad Mattox
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Aw, man.....too bad, I was enjoying this.

Hey, remember this one?

"Countries who harbor terrorists will be treated the same as those who carry out terrorist attacks."

Let the invasion of Ireland, Germany, Georgia, and above all else Saudi Arabia begin!!!!!

(Wait, better hold off on that last one. The failed oil exec. in office might stand to lose a little money......)

Again, not supporting Obama (you still haven't answered my question, HB), just glad the mob is almost out of office.

If y'all remember, HB said that my connection between Rumsfeld/Hussein and Obama/those who hate America was a desperate grasp. Here you go (unless, of course, you were under the impression that Hussein loved America):

Ain't love grand?

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I'll let you say whatever you want here while I exercise my own free speech rights.

Unfortunately, Obama has now openly revealed his all out Stalinst attack on our free speech rights. Where are the liberals here denouncing these Gestapo tactics? Where is the ACLU? Where's the free speech loving national media?

Obama campaign assault on 1st Amendment rights
Junior Varsity
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Very interesting. However, I think you might be referring to "Stasi" tactics (those used in Communist East Germany). Gestapo tactics are those that were unleased on the reporters outside of the Rebulican National Convention, although not quite, as they were not plain-clothed citizens.

Also, I read a pretty good article on MSN about the last debate and the facts that both candidates tripped up on. Here are a few:

Palin mistakenly claimed that troop levels in Iraq had returned to “pre-surge” levels. Levels are gradually coming down but current plans would have levels higher than pre-surge numbers through early next year, at least.

Palin repeated a false claim that Obama once voted in favor of higher taxes on “families” making as little as $42,000 a year. He did not. The budget bill in question called for an increase only on singles making that amount, but a family of four would not have been affected unless they made at least $90,000 a year.

Biden wrongly claimed that McCain “voted the exact same way” as Obama on the budget bill that contained an increase on singles making as little as $42,000 a year. McCain voted against it. Biden was referring to an amendment that didn't address taxes at that income level.

Palin claimed McCain’s health care plan would be “budget neutral,” costing the government nothing. Independent budget experts estimate McCain's plan would cost tens of billions each year, though details are too fuzzy to allow for exact estimates.

Biden wrongly claimed that McCain had said "he wouldn't even sit down" with the government of Spain. Actually, McCain didn't reject a meeting, but simply refused to commit himself one way or the other during an interview.

Palin wrongly claimed that “millions of small businesses” would see tax increases under Obama’s tax proposals. At most, several hundred thousand business owners would see increases.

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Did you know Obama is being sued right now in Federal District Court to prove he's a legal citizen of the United States and be eligible to run for President? Instead of producing the documents to verify his eligibility, his attorney (a CAIR radical, surprise surprise) and the DNC filed a motion to dismiss the case saying that Philip Berg doesn't have "standing" to sue. Too bad the mainstream media won't touch this issue. Maybe when the judge makes his decision in a few days, they'll pick up on the issue.
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Several posts in this thread have talked about experience. This person has lots of experience, this person doesn't have enough experience, etc. Let's relate that discussion with something that I think will be very familiar to most of us. We have seen lots of young wrestling officials who are just getting started, ie, very little experience. How many times have you seen a young official in a match where the score is very lopsided. The leading wrestler gets in on a good double leg drop and takes his opponent cleanly to the mat, in the middle of the mat, in the middle of the period. The ref throws his hand up hard enough to dislocate his shoulder and roars "TWO" loud enough that he can be heard across town. A few matches later the score is tied and one wrestler appears to score a takedown on the line, at the buzzer. The ref chews on his whistle, tries to gauge the reaction of the crowd and the coaches, thinks, "red get the last close call, maybe this one should go to green", and tries to figure out a way to avoid having to make the call. Finally he raises his hand chest high and meekly whispers, "two" This official is lacking courage and character.

Another young official signals the obvious calls that anybody can make and the on-the-line, at-the-buzzer calls with the same calm volume and signals. He may have missed the call but as he gets more experienced he will know the rules better, understand how to get into position better, and anticipate what will happen better and will make many more calls correctly. In 5 years he will be a very good official.

At the end of 5 years our first example, if he lasts that long, will ask, "Why did he get the district assignment instead of me. We both have 5 years of experience?" WRONG. The second official has 5 years of improving on the good base he had when he started. You've had 1 year of experience 5 times. You still don't have the courage and the character to make the tough call.

We don't need to hire good officials to make the easy calls but when it's the finals of the state tournament and the team title will be determined by 2 heavyweights who met 4 times earlier in the season and each won 2 matches we want a good, experienced official out there who has COURAGE AND CHARACTER,

A political district hired one of this year's presidential candidates to represent them in the state legislature. While he was "representing" that district 130 times he chewed on his whistle, wiped the sweat off his brow, and thought, "I wish I didn't have to make this call". Then he suddenly realized, "I don't have to make it, and courageously announced, PRESENT".

When the terrorists come again, and they will come again, I don't want somebody in the White House who will chew on his whistle and then say, "I can get off the hook if I go to the United Nations and ask them if it's okay for us to defend ourselves".

When you get the urge to say one politician is more crooked than another remember to break the word "politics" down into it's Latin root words. Poly, meaning many and ticks, meaning blood suckers.

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Once again, I am breaking my no-posting stance. This time I have an obligation to. The stuff that HB posts is pure garbage about Obama. Lets talk about the "citizenship" claim, shall we? Do all of you know that this is a fairly common occurence to sue one of the presidential candidates and their vice-presidential candidates, and it actually has been done to John McCain. He was born in the Panama Canal zone, and his citizenship was challenged in a federal court. The plaintiffs lost of course, because its a bogues suit. Obama was born in Oahu for chrissakes! Dick Cheney has been brought to court over charges that he was not an official Wyoming resident, since he spent most of his time in Texas. Republican candidate Barry Goldwater was challenged if he was a U.S. citizen because he was born in Arizona, and it was a U.S. territory at the time of his birth.

I was challenged today by one of my wrestling coaching buddies that said I needed to defend myself in a little more extreme manner, because in real life I am not nearly this calm, nor a spineless liberal in the eyes of many on this board. Anyone that actually knows me would understand that is the furthest thing from the truth. I am tired of these so-called allegations against Obama. If you don't like him, that's fine, but don't spread out and out lies against him.

Frank Ryan- How many times has John McCain not been present for votes in the Senate? Any info on that? I'm sure he was there for every single vote on every single issue. Get real. This crap is getting old, and I am tired of it.

What's sad is that people will actually believe the filth and lies that come out of some of your mouths. That, my friends, is the real reason I will post to counteract what the conservatives post on here.

Chad Mattox
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The garbage that is being thrown around by BOTH sides makes me 100 percent comfortable with NOT voting for EITHER side's candidates this November. I am not about to support candidates, or their cronies, who are more interested in telling us how bad the other side is and not the least bit interested in convincing me why I should vote for their candidate.

Am I the only person on this planet who sees BOTH parties for the absolute frauds that they are?

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes" -- James Arthur Ray
Junior High
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Political parties are something that our founding fathers warned us about. They believed that the political party would end up being more important that the politician. You probably are correct on that NWI.

Chad Mattox
Junior Varsity
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You are correct Red Sox. I'm sure there are many people who assumed (HB, for one) that just because I can't stand W. means that I must be supporting Obama. People correlate a view/opinion with a party. Incorrect assumption.

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Chuck Baldwin.

Nuff said.



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Originally posted by Red Sox:
Frank Ryan- How many times has John McCain not been present for votes in the Senate? Any info on that? I'm sure he was there for every single vote on every single issue. Get real. This crap is getting old, and I am tired of it.

Way too many times, as is the case of most Congressmen. However, there may have been some excuse for missing some of those votes, as in the case of Tim Johnson from So. Dak. But I can't think of a single reason for being there and voting PRESENT. The following link answers your question.

Here's a link to a statistic that I think is shameful. To always vote the party line shows me you are representing your party, not your constituents.
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