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Catholic Schools Don't Recruit? Login/Join
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An FYI - Howells does have a strong Catholic Elementary School. There isn't a Catholic Jr/Sr High School so those students attend the public school in town.
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Well I went to Catholic School through the 9th grade and it used to be if you wanted your kid to go to Catholic school you sent him there in the 1st grade not 9th and you knew who was going to Catholic high school by who was going to the other Catholic Junior high school I never seen one kid transfer in from a Public high School I beleive kids should go to school in the public school district in which they live and I don't know how the Churches here divide their districts but when i went if you lived in one part of town you went to this Catholic Junior high school you could not go to the other one because of where your offerings went is where you attended school we only had one Catholic high school so you only had one choice, they also did not go out looking for students for any reason.
Registered: December 07, 2005
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how 'bout nsaa by-law which states something like "all coaches must be teachers", that IS an inequity in the system. and regulate the amount of "extra" pay they may recieve for thier coaching duties too no more than anyone else in the "area" recieves. the coaches should have to teach as many classes as every other teacher in the school....other than that, if a students parents choose to send thier child to school based only on the sports programs that is thier legislatively (sp?) given right, if it means thier child gets a sub-par academic education so be it....the world still needs ditch diggers, even ones with high school medals...imho
Registered: December 07, 2005
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p.s. - sorry if i "cracked open an old wound", was going thru the forums looking for some interesting reading this AM, and that's what i hit upon......
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
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My 2 cents - I went to Catholic schools in Omaha from 3rd grade on to graduation. My father wanted my brothers and I to wrestle so he started a youth club in our local Catholic elementary school. Once the nuns in charge saw what was going on at our first home CYO dual, we were run out on a rail.

He combined us with another team in the same league and we started practicing at the local Catholic high school. Once the high school coach saw what was going on, he made sure that we knew we were welcome. There were no offers of a hand-out or a "scholarship". My brothers and I had to pass the academic admissions test just like everyone else and we all worked at the school to pay our tuition.

We worked 40+ hours a week from the day school got out til the day it started the next fall. Not a good hourly wage.

All three of us were state placers and my youngest brother won it all in 1987.
Picture of Red Dawg
Registered: September 13, 2004
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Hold on, To think coaches don't talk to potential athletes to possibly come to play for them is ridiculous. Of course they do, and not just private schools. Do you think Millard North is a powerhouse at football and baseball because all the good players live in Millard? How about Bellevue West basketball?
I know for a fact that some of the best players on those teams do not live in those respective school districts.
The difference is the coaches. The kids and their parents choose these places because it gives them their best shot at going to the next level. A coach that is willing to work for a kids success is a huge advantage for that kid.
My guess is the coaches at Skutt have a ton a of connections in the wrestling community that any kid hoping to go to the next level in wrestling would be foolish to ignore. I know if Bennington had open enrollment, alot of kids would love to wrestle for coach Pokorny, and why not? He can take a kid to the next level.
With that all said, there needs to be restrictions and there is. If you know of a coach/school doing something illegal it is your responsibilty to turn them in.
I think the biggest issue in all this is location. Skutt does have a huge advantage over other out state class B schools because of their location in a higher populated area. It must be very frustrating for Aurora, Nebraska City etc... I don't know the answer to all this but to add some sort of point system taking into account the population area. Skutt does have the entire Omaha area as their school district! Pius and Lincoln christian have the entire Lincoln area as their district!!!!
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